Module nari.cli.client
Entrypoint into the base nari cli client
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#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
"""Entrypoint into the base nari cli client"""
from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from logging import basicConfig, getLogger, Logger, CRITICAL, INFO
from typing import TypeVar
from import ActLogReader
from import Reader
from nari.types.event.instance import InstanceComplete, InstanceFade, InstanceInit
DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT: str = '[%(levelname)s] %(message)s'
logger: Logger = getLogger('nari')
T = TypeVar('T') # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Matrix = list[list[T]]
def print_matrix(matrix: Matrix[str]):
"""Hacky function to print out an 'aligned' set of data"""
col_width = max(len(word) for row in matrix for word in row) + 2
for row in matrix:
print(''.join(word.ljust(col_width) for word in row))
def parse_fights(reader: Reader) -> Matrix[str]:
"""Takes in a reader object and parses the fight details out of it"""
column_headers: list[str] = ['date', 'instance id', 'encounters']
matrix = [column_headers]
fight_log: list[dict] = []
current_fight: dict = {}
for event in filter(lambda e: isinstance(e, (InstanceInit, InstanceFade, InstanceComplete)), reader):
if isinstance(event, InstanceInit):
if current_fight:
current_fight = {
'date': event.timestamp,
'name': str(event.instance_id),
elif isinstance(event, (InstanceFade, InstanceComplete)):
current_fight['fights'] = current_fight.get('fights', 0) + 1
# wrap up any lingering fights
if current_fight:
for fight in fight_log:
num_fights = fight.get('fights', 0)
amtstr = 'fight' if num_fights == 1 else 'fights'
f'{num_fights} {amtstr}'
return matrix
def create_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
"""Convenience function to create the argument parser"""
parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('log', help='Path to an ACT .log file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--error', action='store_true', help='Raises an exception on an unknown event ID')
return parser
def handle_args(log=None, verbose=False, error=False) -> None:
"""Just runs what we've got"""
if verbose:
basicConfig(format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, level=INFO)
basicConfig(format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, level=CRITICAL)
# We only really do ACT Network logs for now, so no need to do fancy file detection or anything like that
reader = ActLogReader(log, raise_on_invalid_id=error)
data = parse_fights(reader)
def main():
"""Entrypoint to the cli app"""
parser = create_parser()
args: Namespace = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
def create_parser() ‑> argparse.ArgumentParser
Convenience function to create the argument parser
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def create_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """Convenience function to create the argument parser""" parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('log', help='Path to an ACT .log file') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-e', '--error', action='store_true', help='Raises an exception on an unknown event ID') return parser
def handle_args(log=None, verbose=False, error=False) ‑> None
Just runs what we've got
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def handle_args(log=None, verbose=False, error=False) -> None: """Just runs what we've got""" if verbose: basicConfig(format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, level=INFO) else: basicConfig(format=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, level=CRITICAL) # We only really do ACT Network logs for now, so no need to do fancy file detection or anything like that reader = ActLogReader(log, raise_on_invalid_id=error) data = parse_fights(reader) print_matrix(data)
def main()
Entrypoint to the cli app
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def main(): """Entrypoint to the cli app""" parser = create_parser() args: Namespace = parser.parse_args() handle_args(**vars(args))
def parse_fights(reader: Reader) ‑> list[list[str]]
Takes in a reader object and parses the fight details out of it
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def parse_fights(reader: Reader) -> Matrix[str]: """Takes in a reader object and parses the fight details out of it""" column_headers: list[str] = ['date', 'instance id', 'encounters'] matrix = [column_headers] fight_log: list[dict] = [] current_fight: dict = {} for event in filter(lambda e: isinstance(e, (InstanceInit, InstanceFade, InstanceComplete)), reader): if isinstance(event, InstanceInit): if current_fight: fight_log.append(current_fight) current_fight = { 'date': event.timestamp, 'name': str(event.instance_id), } elif isinstance(event, (InstanceFade, InstanceComplete)): current_fight['fights'] = current_fight.get('fights', 0) + 1 # wrap up any lingering fights if current_fight: fight_log.append(current_fight) for fight in fight_log: num_fights = fight.get('fights', 0) amtstr = 'fight' if num_fights == 1 else 'fights' matrix.append([ f'[{fight["date"]}]', fight['name'], f'{num_fights} {amtstr}' ]) return matrix
def print_matrix(matrix: list[list[str]])
Hacky function to print out an 'aligned' set of data
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def print_matrix(matrix: Matrix[str]): """Hacky function to print out an 'aligned' set of data""" col_width = max(len(word) for row in matrix for word in row) + 2 for row in matrix: print(''.join(word.ljust(col_width) for word in row))