
Classes and functions for handling network logs from ACT

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"""Classes and functions for handling network logs from ACT"""
from typing import Optional

from import Reader
from import ID_MAPPINGS, ActEventType, ActLogChecksumType, date_from_act_timestamp, validate_checksum
from nari.types.event import Event
from nari.types.event.version import SemanticVersion, Version
from nari.util.exceptions import EventNotFound
from import InvalidActChecksum

# The last version of ACT to use MD5 checksums
# We default to SHA256, but if the version is <= we switch to MD5
LAST_MD5_VERSION = SemanticVersion(2,2,1,6)

class ActLogReader(Reader):
    """Implementation of the Reader class for parsing ACT network logs"""
    def __init__(self, actlog_path, *, raise_on_checksum_failure=False, raise_on_invalid_id=False):
        # might need a helper function, but eh.
        self.handle = open(actlog_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
        self.index = 1
        self.raise_on_checksum_failure = raise_on_checksum_failure
        self.raise_on_invalid_id = raise_on_invalid_id
        self.algo = ActLogChecksumType.SHA256

    def __del__(self):
        """Handles closing the file when the object undergoes garbage collection"""

    def handle_line(self, line: str) -> Optional[Event]:
        """Handles an ACT-specific line"""
        args = line.strip().split('|')
        id_ = int(args[0])

        if self.raise_on_invalid_id and id_ not in ID_MAPPINGS:
            raise EventNotFound(f"ACT id: {id_}")

        datestr = args[1]
        timestamp = date_from_act_timestamp(datestr)

        if self.raise_on_checksum_failure:
            if id_ in (ActEventType.memoryzonechange, ActEventType.version):
                self.index = 1

            if id_ == ActEventType.version:
                version_event = ID_MAPPINGS[id_](timestamp, args[2:-1])
                if isinstance(version_event, Version) and version_event.version <= LAST_MD5_VERSION:
                    self.algo = ActLogChecksumType.MD5

            if validate_checksum(line.strip(), self.index, self.algo) is False:
                raise InvalidActChecksum(f'Invalid checksum for line {line.strip()} with algo {self.algo} and index {self.index})')

            self.index += 1

        event: Optional[Event] = None

        if id_ in ID_MAPPINGS:
            event = ID_MAPPINGS[id_](timestamp, args[2:-1])
            event = Event(timestamp)

        return event

    def read_next(self) -> Optional[Event]:
        """Returns an array of all the ACT log events from the file"""
        # keep reading until we get a non-None response from handle_line
        while True:
            line: str = self.handle.readline()
            if len(line) == 0:
                return None
            if (event := self.handle_line(line)) is not None:
                return event


class ActLogReader (actlog_path, *, raise_on_checksum_failure=False, raise_on_invalid_id=False)

Implementation of the Reader class for parsing ACT network logs

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class ActLogReader(Reader):
    """Implementation of the Reader class for parsing ACT network logs"""
    def __init__(self, actlog_path, *, raise_on_checksum_failure=False, raise_on_invalid_id=False):
        # might need a helper function, but eh.
        self.handle = open(actlog_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
        self.index = 1
        self.raise_on_checksum_failure = raise_on_checksum_failure
        self.raise_on_invalid_id = raise_on_invalid_id
        self.algo = ActLogChecksumType.SHA256

    def __del__(self):
        """Handles closing the file when the object undergoes garbage collection"""

    def handle_line(self, line: str) -> Optional[Event]:
        """Handles an ACT-specific line"""
        args = line.strip().split('|')
        id_ = int(args[0])

        if self.raise_on_invalid_id and id_ not in ID_MAPPINGS:
            raise EventNotFound(f"ACT id: {id_}")

        datestr = args[1]
        timestamp = date_from_act_timestamp(datestr)

        if self.raise_on_checksum_failure:
            if id_ in (ActEventType.memoryzonechange, ActEventType.version):
                self.index = 1

            if id_ == ActEventType.version:
                version_event = ID_MAPPINGS[id_](timestamp, args[2:-1])
                if isinstance(version_event, Version) and version_event.version <= LAST_MD5_VERSION:
                    self.algo = ActLogChecksumType.MD5

            if validate_checksum(line.strip(), self.index, self.algo) is False:
                raise InvalidActChecksum(f'Invalid checksum for line {line.strip()} with algo {self.algo} and index {self.index})')

            self.index += 1

        event: Optional[Event] = None

        if id_ in ID_MAPPINGS:
            event = ID_MAPPINGS[id_](timestamp, args[2:-1])
            event = Event(timestamp)

        return event

    def read_next(self) -> Optional[Event]:
        """Returns an array of all the ACT log events from the file"""
        # keep reading until we get a non-None response from handle_line
        while True:
            line: str = self.handle.readline()
            if len(line) == 0:
                return None
            if (event := self.handle_line(line)) is not None:
                return event



def handle_line(self, line: str) ‑> Optional[Event]

Handles an ACT-specific line

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def handle_line(self, line: str) -> Optional[Event]:
    """Handles an ACT-specific line"""
    args = line.strip().split('|')
    id_ = int(args[0])

    if self.raise_on_invalid_id and id_ not in ID_MAPPINGS:
        raise EventNotFound(f"ACT id: {id_}")

    datestr = args[1]
    timestamp = date_from_act_timestamp(datestr)

    if self.raise_on_checksum_failure:
        if id_ in (ActEventType.memoryzonechange, ActEventType.version):
            self.index = 1

        if id_ == ActEventType.version:
            version_event = ID_MAPPINGS[id_](timestamp, args[2:-1])
            if isinstance(version_event, Version) and version_event.version <= LAST_MD5_VERSION:
                self.algo = ActLogChecksumType.MD5

        if validate_checksum(line.strip(), self.index, self.algo) is False:
            raise InvalidActChecksum(f'Invalid checksum for line {line.strip()} with algo {self.algo} and index {self.index})')

        self.index += 1

    event: Optional[Event] = None

    if id_ in ID_MAPPINGS:
        event = ID_MAPPINGS[id_](timestamp, args[2:-1])
        event = Event(timestamp)

    return event
def read_next(self) ‑> Optional[Event]

Returns an array of all the ACT log events from the file

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def read_next(self) -> Optional[Event]:
    """Returns an array of all the ACT log events from the file"""
    # keep reading until we get a non-None response from handle_line
    while True:
        line: str = self.handle.readline()
        if len(line) == 0:
            return None
        if (event := self.handle_line(line)) is not None:
            return event

Inherited members