
Just a bunch of helper methods to spit out events from the ACT log

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"""Just a bunch of helper methods to spit out events from the ACT log"""
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import md5, sha256
from typing import Callable, Optional
from enum import IntEnum, Enum

from nari.types.event import Event
from nari.types import Timestamp
from nari.types.event.limitbreak import LimitBreak
# here we go
from import version_from_logline, config_from_logline
from import zonechange_from_logline
from import statuslist_from_logline, statuslist3_from_logline, statusapply_from_logline
from import limitbreak_from_logline
from import ability_from_logline, aoeability_from_logline
from import tick_from_logline
from import director_events_from_logline
from import updatehpmp_from_logline
from import actor_spawn_from_logline
from import gauge_from_logline
from import playerstats_from_logline
from import visibility_from_logline
from import targeticon_from_logline
from import targetmarker_from_logline
from import tether_from_logline
from import waymark_from_logline
from import partylist_from_logline
from import effectresult_from_logline
from import startcast_from_logline, stopcast_from_logline
from import InvalidActChecksumAlgorithm

DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT: str = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z'
ActEventFn = Callable[[Timestamp, list[str]], Optional[Event]]

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class ActLogChecksumType(Enum):
    """List of hashsum algorithms used by different ACT versions"""
    MD5 = "md5"
    SHA256 = "sha256"
# pylint: enable=invalid-name

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class ActEventType(IntEnum):
    """List of Event types from the ACT network log"""
    memorychatlog = 0
    memoryzonechange = 1
    memorychangeprimaryplayer = 2
    memoryaddcombatant = 3
    memoryremovecombatant = 4
    memorypartylist = 11
    memoryplayerstats = 12
    networkstartscasting = 20
    networkability = 21
    networkaoeability = 22
    networkcancelability = 23
    networkdothot = 24
    networkdeath = 25
    networkstatusadd = 26
    networktargeticon = 27
    networkwaymarkmarker = 28
    networksignmarker = 29
    networkstatusremove = 30
    networkgauge = 31
    unusedworld = 32
    networkdirector = 33
    networknametoggle = 34
    networktether = 35
    networklimitbreak = 36
    networkeffectresult = 37
    networkstatuslist = 38
    networkupdatehpmp = 39
    memorychangemap = 40
    memorysystemlogmessage = 41
    networkstatuslist3 = 42
    config = 249
    hook = 250
    debug = 251
    packetdump = 252
    version = 253
    error = 254

    def has_id(cls, id_: int) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the id is in the enum"""
        return id_ in cls.__members__.values()

    def has_type(cls, name: str) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the name is in the enum"""
        return name in cls.__members__.keys() # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
# pylint: enable=invalid-name

def date_from_act_timestamp(datestr: str) -> Timestamp:
    """Parse timestamp from ACT log into a Timestamp
    Look, this is dirty. This is wrong. Please someone find a better way to do this.
    return int(datetime.strptime(f'{datestr[:26]}{datestr[-6:]}', DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).timestamp() * 1000)

def validate_checksum(line: str, index: int, algo: ActLogChecksumType = ActLogChecksumType.SHA256) -> bool:
    """Validates an ACT log line
    Given some line 1|foo|bar|baz|a823425f532c540667195f641dd3649b, and an index of 1, then the md5sum of
    1|foo|bar|baz|1 (where 1 is the index) should be a823425f532c540667195f641dd3649b (which is the checksum value)
    parts = line.split('|')
    check_hash = parts[-1]
    to_hash = f'{"|".join(parts[:-1])}|{index}'.encode('utf-8')

    match algo:
        case ActLogChecksumType.MD5:
            return md5(to_hash).hexdigest() == check_hash
        case ActLogChecksumType.SHA256:
            return sha256(to_hash).hexdigest()[:16] == check_hash
        case _:
            raise InvalidActChecksumAlgorithm(f'Unexpected checksum algorithm: {algo}. Expected one of MD5 and SHA256.')

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def noop(timestamp: Timestamp, params: list[str]) -> Event:
    """Straight-up ignores things"""
    # print(f'Ignoring an event with timestamp {timestamp} and params: {"|".join(params)}')

ID_MAPPINGS: dict[int, ActEventFn] = {
    # Internal events
    ActEventType.config: config_from_logline,
    ActEventType.debug: noop,
    ActEventType.error: noop,
    ActEventType.hook: noop,
    ActEventType.packetdump: noop,
    ActEventType.version: version_from_logline,
    # Memory events
    ActEventType.memorychatlog: noop,
    ActEventType.memoryzonechange: zonechange_from_logline,
    ActEventType.memorychangemap: noop,
    ActEventType.memorychangeprimaryplayer: noop,
    ActEventType.memoryaddcombatant: actor_spawn_from_logline,
    ActEventType.memoryremovecombatant: noop,
    ActEventType.memorysystemlogmessage: noop,
    ActEventType.memoryplayerstats: playerstats_from_logline,
    ActEventType.memorypartylist: partylist_from_logline,
    # Network events
    ActEventType.networkgauge: gauge_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkdeath: noop,
    ActEventType.networknametoggle: visibility_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkupdatehpmp: updatehpmp_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkdirector: director_events_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkstartscasting: startcast_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkcancelability: stopcast_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkability: ability_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkaoeability: aoeability_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkeffectresult: effectresult_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkstatuslist: statuslist_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkstatuslist3: statuslist3_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkstatusadd: statusapply_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkstatusremove: noop,
    ActEventType.networkdothot: tick_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networklimitbreak: limitbreak_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networksignmarker: targetmarker_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networktargeticon: targeticon_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networkwaymarkmarker: waymark_from_logline,
    ActEventType.networktether: tether_from_logline,
    # Defined by ACT but unused events
    ActEventType.unusedworld: noop,


Parse ability (action) data from ACT log line

Parse actor spawn data from ACT log line

Parses cast data from ACT log line

Parses death data from ACT log line

Parse director commands from ACT log lines

Parse effect result data from ACT log line

Exceptions related to ACT log parsing

"Parse gauge data from ACT log line

Parses LB bar state data from ACT log line

Parses metadata events from ACT log line

Parse partylist data from ACT log line

Parse player stats data from ACT log line

Parse status data from ACT log line

Parse content-specific overhead marker data from ACT log line

Parse player-applied overhead marker data from ACT log line

Parse tether data from ACT log line

Parse effect-over-time data from ACT log line

Parse HP and MP updates from ACT log line

Parse visibility data from ACT log line

Parse waymark data from ACT log line

Parse zone change data from ACT log line


def date_from_act_timestamp(datestr: str) ‑> int

Parse timestamp from ACT log into a Timestamp Look, this is dirty. This is wrong. Please someone find a better way to do this.

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def date_from_act_timestamp(datestr: str) -> Timestamp:
    """Parse timestamp from ACT log into a Timestamp
    Look, this is dirty. This is wrong. Please someone find a better way to do this.
    return int(datetime.strptime(f'{datestr[:26]}{datestr[-6:]}', DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).timestamp() * 1000)
def noop(timestamp: int, params: list[str]) ‑> Event

Straight-up ignores things

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def noop(timestamp: Timestamp, params: list[str]) -> Event:
    """Straight-up ignores things"""
    # print(f'Ignoring an event with timestamp {timestamp} and params: {"|".join(params)}')
def validate_checksum(line: str, index: int, algo: ActLogChecksumType = ActLogChecksumType.SHA256) ‑> bool

Validates an ACT log line Given some line 1|foo|bar|baz|a823425f532c540667195f641dd3649b, and an index of 1, then the md5sum of 1|foo|bar|baz|1 (where 1 is the index) should be a823425f532c540667195f641dd3649b (which is the checksum value)

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def validate_checksum(line: str, index: int, algo: ActLogChecksumType = ActLogChecksumType.SHA256) -> bool:
    """Validates an ACT log line
    Given some line 1|foo|bar|baz|a823425f532c540667195f641dd3649b, and an index of 1, then the md5sum of
    1|foo|bar|baz|1 (where 1 is the index) should be a823425f532c540667195f641dd3649b (which is the checksum value)
    parts = line.split('|')
    check_hash = parts[-1]
    to_hash = f'{"|".join(parts[:-1])}|{index}'.encode('utf-8')

    match algo:
        case ActLogChecksumType.MD5:
            return md5(to_hash).hexdigest() == check_hash
        case ActLogChecksumType.SHA256:
            return sha256(to_hash).hexdigest()[:16] == check_hash
        case _:
            raise InvalidActChecksumAlgorithm(f'Unexpected checksum algorithm: {algo}. Expected one of MD5 and SHA256.')


class ActEventType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

List of Event types from the ACT network log

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class ActEventType(IntEnum):
    """List of Event types from the ACT network log"""
    memorychatlog = 0
    memoryzonechange = 1
    memorychangeprimaryplayer = 2
    memoryaddcombatant = 3
    memoryremovecombatant = 4
    memorypartylist = 11
    memoryplayerstats = 12
    networkstartscasting = 20
    networkability = 21
    networkaoeability = 22
    networkcancelability = 23
    networkdothot = 24
    networkdeath = 25
    networkstatusadd = 26
    networktargeticon = 27
    networkwaymarkmarker = 28
    networksignmarker = 29
    networkstatusremove = 30
    networkgauge = 31
    unusedworld = 32
    networkdirector = 33
    networknametoggle = 34
    networktether = 35
    networklimitbreak = 36
    networkeffectresult = 37
    networkstatuslist = 38
    networkupdatehpmp = 39
    memorychangemap = 40
    memorysystemlogmessage = 41
    networkstatuslist3 = 42
    config = 249
    hook = 250
    debug = 251
    packetdump = 252
    version = 253
    error = 254

    def has_id(cls, id_: int) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the id is in the enum"""
        return id_ in cls.__members__.values()

    def has_type(cls, name: str) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the name is in the enum"""
        return name in cls.__members__.keys() # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var config
var debug
var error
var hook
var memoryaddcombatant
var memorychangemap
var memorychangeprimaryplayer
var memorychatlog
var memorypartylist
var memoryplayerstats
var memoryremovecombatant
var memorysystemlogmessage
var memoryzonechange
var networkability
var networkaoeability
var networkcancelability
var networkdeath
var networkdirector
var networkdothot
var networkeffectresult
var networkgauge
var networklimitbreak
var networknametoggle
var networksignmarker
var networkstartscasting
var networkstatusadd
var networkstatuslist
var networkstatuslist3
var networkstatusremove
var networktargeticon
var networktether
var networkupdatehpmp
var networkwaymarkmarker
var packetdump
var unusedworld
var version

Static methods

def has_id(id_: int) ‑> bool

Returns True if the id is in the enum

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def has_id(cls, id_: int) -> bool:
    """Returns True if the id is in the enum"""
    return id_ in cls.__members__.values()
def has_type(name: str) ‑> bool

Returns True if the name is in the enum

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def has_type(cls, name: str) -> bool:
    """Returns True if the name is in the enum"""
    return name in cls.__members__.keys() # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
class ActLogChecksumType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

List of hashsum algorithms used by different ACT versions

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class ActLogChecksumType(Enum):
    """List of hashsum algorithms used by different ACT versions"""
    MD5 = "md5"
    SHA256 = "sha256"


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var MD5
var SHA256