Module nari.types.director

DirectorUpdate represents changes from the 'Director' to the 'scene' in-game

When something more global than the actor scope happens, it's likely initiated by the director. For example, on a wipe, the director will prompt fade to black, fade back in, and raising/lowering the barrier.

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"""DirectorUpdate represents changes from the 'Director' to the 'scene' in-game

When something more global than the actor scope happens, it's likely initiated by the director.
For example, on a wipe, the director will prompt fade to black, fade back in, and raising/lowering
the barrier.

from enum import IntEnum

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
class DirectorUpdateCategory(IntEnum):
    """Relates to the type of content that's being 'directed'"""
    BattleLeve = 0x8001
    """Content is a combat leve duty"""
    GatheringLeve = 0x8002
    """Content is a gathering leve duty"""
    InstanceContent = 0x8003
    """Any type of content that is an instance

    Instanced content include:

    * Raid arenas
    * Dungeons
    * Alliance areas
    * Trials
    PublicContent = 0x8004
    """Not sure what this is. Just regular stuff?"""
    QuestBattle = 0x8006
    """Not sure what this is. Perhaps instanced content like job quests?"""
    CompanyLeve = 0x8007
    """Need a better description."""
    TreasureHunt = 0x8009
    """Content that involves treasure maps with adds; perhaps also the 'dungeon' area afterwards?"""
    GoldSaucer = 0x800A
    """Probably related to GATEs"""
    CompanyCraftDirector = 0x800B
    """I'm assuming this is the 'group craft' actions like when you make an airship"""
    DpsChallange = 0x800D
    """Stone, Sea, Sky content"""
    Fate = 0x801A
    """FATE-related content"""

    def name_for_value(cls, value):
        """Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value"""
        if value in cls.__members__.values():
            return cls(value).name
        return 'Unknown'

class DirectorUpdateCommand(IntEnum):
    """These are the 'command' portion of a director update"""
    init = 0x40000001 # params: 3: duty length in seconds, eg 0xE10 is 3600 or 1 hour, 4-6: unused
    """When a piece of content is initialized

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description        |
    | ----: | -----------------: |
    | 3     | *unused*           |
    | 4     | Passed to director |
    | 5-6   | *unused*           |
    complete = 0x40000002 # "Duty Complete" flying text
    """When a piece of content ends

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description        |
    | ----: | -----------------: |
    | 3     | *unused*           |
    | 4     | Passed to director |
    | 5-6   | *unused*           |
    clear = 0x40000003
    """Emits when a piece of content is 'cleared'

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description                                           |
    | ----: | ----------------------------------------------------: |
    | 3     | `0x1` if a first-time clear (causes fadeout sequence) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*                                              |
    timer = 0x40000004
    """The duty time in seconds

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description            |
    | ----: | ---------------------: |
    | 3     | Duty time (in seconds) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*               |
    fadeout = 0x40000005
    """Instructs the screen to fade to black"""
    barrierdown = 0x40000006
    """Takes the 'instance' barrier down"""
    noclue = 0x40000007 # params: examples, no clue tho (0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), (0x6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    initvote = 0x40000008 # init vote (ie abandon, kick, etc) – params: 3: vote type, 4: vote initiator, 5-6: unknown
    """Promps a vote to be held

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description             |
    | ----: | ----------------------: |
    | 3     | Vote type               |
    | 4     | Vote initiator actor ID |
    | 5     | *unknown*               |
    | 6     | *unknown*               |
    concludevote = 0x40000009 # conclude vote – params: 3: vote type, 4: 1 for succeed/0 for fail, 5: vote initiator, 6: unknown
    """Concludes the vote and shows the result

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description                  |
    | ----: | ---------------------------: |
    | 3     | Vote type                    |
    | 4     | 1 for success; 0 for failure |
    | 5     | Vote initiator actor ID      |
    | 6     | *unknown*                    |
    partyinvite = 0x4000000A # "you invite x to a party" – params: 3: log message id?, 4: log message param?, 5-6: unused
    """Sent when you invite someone to the party

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description        |
    | ----: | -----------------: |
    | 3     | Log message id?    |
    | 4     | Log message param? |
    | 5-6   | *unused*           |
    dutygate = 0x4000000C # no idea on params, looks like first one is used only, seems to be either 0x00 or 0x02
    """This command sets the state of artificial walls in duties, such as gates in Doma Castle or water walls in Neverreap"""
    newtoduty = 0x4000000D
    """This command comes in when one or more members in the instance are new to the duty"""
    levelup = 0x4000000E
    """This command comes in when a player levels up in the duty

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description |
    | ----: | ----------: |
    | 3     | Actor ID    |
    | 4     | Old level   |
    | 5     | New level   |
    | 6     | *unused*    |
    fadein = 0x40000010
    """Causes a fade-in to happen

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description            |
    | ----: | ---------------------: |
    | 3     | Time left (in seconds) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*               |
    barrierup = 0x40000012
    """Puts an 'instance' barrier up"""
    partyloot = 0x40000013 # "x of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards" – params: 3: eligible people, 4: log message param?, 5-6: unused
    """This command lists how many party members are elible for duty rewards. The number of chests dropped in locked content
    appears to be hardcoded into the client, and as such doesn't change this packet.

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description       |
    | ----: | ----------------: |
    | 3     | Eligibility count |
    | 4-6   | *unused*          |
    instancesynctime = 0x80000002
    """A periodic packet sent to indicate the remaining time in an instance

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description            |
    | ----: | ---------------------: |
    | 3     | Time left (in seconds) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*               |
    def name_for_value(cls, value):
        """Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value"""
        if value in cls.__members__.values():
            return cls(value).name
        return 'Unknown'
# pylint: enable=invalid-name


class DirectorUpdateCategory (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Relates to the type of content that's being 'directed'

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class DirectorUpdateCategory(IntEnum):
    """Relates to the type of content that's being 'directed'"""
    BattleLeve = 0x8001
    """Content is a combat leve duty"""
    GatheringLeve = 0x8002
    """Content is a gathering leve duty"""
    InstanceContent = 0x8003
    """Any type of content that is an instance

    Instanced content include:

    * Raid arenas
    * Dungeons
    * Alliance areas
    * Trials
    PublicContent = 0x8004
    """Not sure what this is. Just regular stuff?"""
    QuestBattle = 0x8006
    """Not sure what this is. Perhaps instanced content like job quests?"""
    CompanyLeve = 0x8007
    """Need a better description."""
    TreasureHunt = 0x8009
    """Content that involves treasure maps with adds; perhaps also the 'dungeon' area afterwards?"""
    GoldSaucer = 0x800A
    """Probably related to GATEs"""
    CompanyCraftDirector = 0x800B
    """I'm assuming this is the 'group craft' actions like when you make an airship"""
    DpsChallange = 0x800D
    """Stone, Sea, Sky content"""
    Fate = 0x801A
    """FATE-related content"""

    def name_for_value(cls, value):
        """Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value"""
        if value in cls.__members__.values():
            return cls(value).name
        return 'Unknown'


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var BattleLeve

Content is a combat leve duty

var CompanyCraftDirector

I'm assuming this is the 'group craft' actions like when you make an airship

var CompanyLeve

Need a better description.

var DpsChallange

Stone, Sea, Sky content

var Fate

FATE-related content

var GatheringLeve

Content is a gathering leve duty

var GoldSaucer

Probably related to GATEs

var InstanceContent

Any type of content that is an instance

Instanced content include:

  • Raid arenas
  • Dungeons
  • Alliance areas
  • Trials
var PublicContent

Not sure what this is. Just regular stuff?

var QuestBattle

Not sure what this is. Perhaps instanced content like job quests?

var TreasureHunt

Content that involves treasure maps with adds; perhaps also the 'dungeon' area afterwards?

Static methods

def name_for_value(value)

Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value

Expand source code
def name_for_value(cls, value):
    """Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value"""
    if value in cls.__members__.values():
        return cls(value).name
    return 'Unknown'
class DirectorUpdateCommand (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

These are the 'command' portion of a director update

Expand source code
class DirectorUpdateCommand(IntEnum):
    """These are the 'command' portion of a director update"""
    init = 0x40000001 # params: 3: duty length in seconds, eg 0xE10 is 3600 or 1 hour, 4-6: unused
    """When a piece of content is initialized

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description        |
    | ----: | -----------------: |
    | 3     | *unused*           |
    | 4     | Passed to director |
    | 5-6   | *unused*           |
    complete = 0x40000002 # "Duty Complete" flying text
    """When a piece of content ends

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description        |
    | ----: | -----------------: |
    | 3     | *unused*           |
    | 4     | Passed to director |
    | 5-6   | *unused*           |
    clear = 0x40000003
    """Emits when a piece of content is 'cleared'

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description                                           |
    | ----: | ----------------------------------------------------: |
    | 3     | `0x1` if a first-time clear (causes fadeout sequence) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*                                              |
    timer = 0x40000004
    """The duty time in seconds

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description            |
    | ----: | ---------------------: |
    | 3     | Duty time (in seconds) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*               |
    fadeout = 0x40000005
    """Instructs the screen to fade to black"""
    barrierdown = 0x40000006
    """Takes the 'instance' barrier down"""
    noclue = 0x40000007 # params: examples, no clue tho (0x6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), (0x6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    initvote = 0x40000008 # init vote (ie abandon, kick, etc) – params: 3: vote type, 4: vote initiator, 5-6: unknown
    """Promps a vote to be held

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description             |
    | ----: | ----------------------: |
    | 3     | Vote type               |
    | 4     | Vote initiator actor ID |
    | 5     | *unknown*               |
    | 6     | *unknown*               |
    concludevote = 0x40000009 # conclude vote – params: 3: vote type, 4: 1 for succeed/0 for fail, 5: vote initiator, 6: unknown
    """Concludes the vote and shows the result

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description                  |
    | ----: | ---------------------------: |
    | 3     | Vote type                    |
    | 4     | 1 for success; 0 for failure |
    | 5     | Vote initiator actor ID      |
    | 6     | *unknown*                    |
    partyinvite = 0x4000000A # "you invite x to a party" – params: 3: log message id?, 4: log message param?, 5-6: unused
    """Sent when you invite someone to the party

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description        |
    | ----: | -----------------: |
    | 3     | Log message id?    |
    | 4     | Log message param? |
    | 5-6   | *unused*           |
    dutygate = 0x4000000C # no idea on params, looks like first one is used only, seems to be either 0x00 or 0x02
    """This command sets the state of artificial walls in duties, such as gates in Doma Castle or water walls in Neverreap"""
    newtoduty = 0x4000000D
    """This command comes in when one or more members in the instance are new to the duty"""
    levelup = 0x4000000E
    """This command comes in when a player levels up in the duty

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description |
    | ----: | ----------: |
    | 3     | Actor ID    |
    | 4     | Old level   |
    | 5     | New level   |
    | 6     | *unused*    |
    fadein = 0x40000010
    """Causes a fade-in to happen

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description            |
    | ----: | ---------------------: |
    | 3     | Time left (in seconds) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*               |
    barrierup = 0x40000012
    """Puts an 'instance' barrier up"""
    partyloot = 0x40000013 # "x of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards" – params: 3: eligible people, 4: log message param?, 5-6: unused
    """This command lists how many party members are elible for duty rewards. The number of chests dropped in locked content
    appears to be hardcoded into the client, and as such doesn't change this packet.

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description       |
    | ----: | ----------------: |
    | 3     | Eligibility count |
    | 4-6   | *unused*          |
    instancesynctime = 0x80000002
    """A periodic packet sent to indicate the remaining time in an instance

    Params that follow the command:

    | Index | Description            |
    | ----: | ---------------------: |
    | 3     | Time left (in seconds) |
    | 4-6   | *unused*               |
    def name_for_value(cls, value):
        """Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value"""
        if value in cls.__members__.values():
            return cls(value).name
        return 'Unknown'


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var barrierdown

Takes the 'instance' barrier down

var barrierup

Puts an 'instance' barrier up

var clear

Emits when a piece of content is 'cleared'

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 0x1 if a first-time clear (causes fadeout sequence)
4-6 unused
var complete

When a piece of content ends

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 unused
4 Passed to director
5-6 unused
var concludevote

Concludes the vote and shows the result

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Vote type
4 1 for success; 0 for failure
5 Vote initiator actor ID
6 unknown
var dutygate

This command sets the state of artificial walls in duties, such as gates in Doma Castle or water walls in Neverreap

var fadein

Causes a fade-in to happen

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Time left (in seconds)
4-6 unused
var fadeout

Instructs the screen to fade to black

var init

When a piece of content is initialized

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 unused
4 Passed to director
5-6 unused
var initvote

Promps a vote to be held

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Vote type
4 Vote initiator actor ID
5 unknown
6 unknown
var instancesynctime

A periodic packet sent to indicate the remaining time in an instance

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Time left (in seconds)
4-6 unused
var levelup

This command comes in when a player levels up in the duty

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Actor ID
4 Old level
5 New level
6 unused
var newtoduty

This command comes in when one or more members in the instance are new to the duty

var noclue
var partyinvite

Sent when you invite someone to the party

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Log message id?
4 Log message param?
5-6 unused
var partyloot

This command lists how many party members are elible for duty rewards. The number of chests dropped in locked content appears to be hardcoded into the client, and as such doesn't change this packet.

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Eligibility count
4-6 unused
var timer

The duty time in seconds

Params that follow the command:

Index Description
3 Duty time (in seconds)
4-6 unused

Static methods

def name_for_value(value)

Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value

Expand source code
def name_for_value(cls, value):
    """Helper class method to return the name of the enum when you already have the value"""
    if value in cls.__members__.values():
        return cls(value).name
    return 'Unknown'